Art Basel Cities
Agency: Pentagram

I managed the collaboration with Pentagram and led design strategy to create and launch the new brand identity for Art Basel Cities, an exciting new initiative from Art Basel aiming to reach wider audiences across the world. Our initial partnership was with the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires.

Working with Marina Willer and her team, the goal was to design a campaign that reached a broad, global audience balanced yet presented an identity that meshed with existing hierarchies, partners and the city of Buenos Aires itself and was relevant for above-the-line media and digital promotion.

The campaign imagery was based on the idea of finding unnoticed beauty in the ordinary making unusual connections and promoting dialogue through an abstract visual language of urban imagery that itself mirrors the changing nature of the city.

The result is a campaign and visual identity that celebrates Buenos Aires’ reputation as a cultural destination of choice; promoting new and exciting conversations between the art world at large.

Pentagram Case Study here